Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance is generally taken by those people who travel alot around the world. Travel Insurance policies generally cover losses suffered and the expenses incurred due to health Issues, lost luggage, Flight cancellation while travelling either Internationally or domestically within one's own country. Travel Insurance policies can be taken at the start of the trip and this Insurance remains valid till the end of the Trip.

Some of the Travel Insurance policies also provide protection for a particular period of time irrespective of the number of trips on which the policy holder went however at a slightly higher rate of premium. These type of policies are called as the Multi Trip  policies. The premium depends on the country to which the policy holder is going if the policy holder is going to the country with High Medical costs then the premium charged is going to be really high. Some of the common risks which are covered by the Travel Insurance policies are as follows :

  • Medical Emergency like Sickness or Accident. 
  • Repatriation of the remains
  • Return of the Minor who accompanied the policy holder on the trip
  • Trip cancellation
  • Interruption of the Trip 
  • Health coverage of the policy holder's Visitor
  • Funeral expenditure incurred on overseas locations
  • Lost luggage or Valuables
  • Hijacking
  • Delayed arrival of the Luggage

It is to be noted that medical expenses will be covered only upto a certain limit and the limit will be based on the policy a person is buying. Before buying the policy it is better to inquire about the limit on the Medial Expenses Reimbursement. Some of the Insurance providers will also Provide coverage for the additional expenditure Incurred by the policy holder. The following items are generally not covered by the Travel insurance :

  • Preexisting Condition Eg : Asthama
  • Trip to a high risk country : Eg trip to Pakistan or Iraq
  • Illness or Injury caused due to consumption of alcohol. 
  • Some of the Insurance provide also provide 24/7 assistance in the case of various situations which are mentioned in the offer documents of the Insurance policy. 
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