Aetna Inc

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Aetna Inc is one of the very popular American managed health care company which sells consumer directed health care plans insurance  along with the Traditional health care insurance  plans. Aetna is the member of the elite club of fortune 100 companies. Aetna Inc is the descendant of Aetna Fire Insurance company of Connecticut.

Aetna Inc provides  health care, dental, disability and several long term insurance and employee benefits basically through employer paid insurance programs(either partly or fully paid by the employer) and also through medicare.

Aetna Inc has spent over two million dollars in the year 2009 on lobbying. The company spent more than eight hundred thousand dollars between Jan and march 2009 which is around 41 percent of the amount which was spent in the same period in the year 2008. Aetna Became the Senate Finance committee's seventh highest contributor during the year 2005-2009.

Aetna Received two out of four stars, in meeting the National Standard of Care, in California Health Care Quality Report card of 2011 edition. In the 2010 edition of the report card Aetna had  received three out of four stars in the same category.

Aetna is one of the leading insurance provider and in the year 2005 it made a revenue of over a billion dollars. By the year 2007 the revenue of Aetna Inc increased by more 25 billion dollars. By the year 2012 Aetna Inc's revenue had increased to over 35 billion USD. 
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