A student loan is designed to help the students to pay for the tuition fees, buy the text books and also to pay their living expenses as long as they are studying. Student loans may differ from other type of loans and these loans are given at a very low rate of Interest and the repayment schedule may be deferred while the student is in School. Various countries have different rules for regulating and renegotiating the loans which are given by the banks to the students.
The Students loans in UK are primarily provided by the Govt Owned Students Loan Company. Interest starts to get accumulated on each amount of loan as soon as the loan amount is received by the Student but the students need not repay the loan till the start of the next tax year or Financial Year as they call in India after the completion of their Education.
The loans given to the students are Cancelled if the borrower dies or suffers any disability that doesn't allow him to work anymore. Depending on when the loan is taken and from which part of UK the borrower is from the Loan may as well be cancelled after a certain period of time say usually after a period of 30 years or after the borrower attains a certain age.
In the United States of America the student loans are of two types
- The federal loans
- Private Students Loan
The Articles are gonna be about the most popular banks across the world.
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