Types Of Insurance

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Any type of Risk that can be Quantified can be potentially insured. Specific risks that can give rise to claims are called as perils. The Insurance Policy will give the list of the perils  which are covered by the Insurance Policy and which aren't covered.

 A single policy may cover one or more categories of the risk as per the policy issued by the Insurance Company. For instance the vehicle Insurance covers the risk of theft and damage and also the risk of claims due to the accident. A home insurance Policy taken in United States Of America typically covers the damage to the home and damage to the belongings of the house owner and sometimes a small coverage for medial expenses of the guests who are injured in the house of the owner.

Business Insurance can take various forms and like, the different kinds of Professional Liability Insurance, which is also called as Professional Indemnity and the most popular is the Business Owner's Policy which is the package of many kinds of Insurance coverage that a business owner might need. This is similar to the Homeowner's Insurance Package that has all the coverage which is needed by a home owner.

The following are some of the important types of Insurance  which are typically provided by most of the top Insurance Companies. All these types of Insurance  are explained in detail in the Subsequent posts of this Blog. The list of all the popular types of Insurance is as Follows :

  • Auto Insurance
  • Gap Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Accident Insurance
  • Casualty Insurance
  • Property Insurance 
  • Burial Insurance
  • Payment Protection Insurance
  • Other Insurance

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